About Us
NIRVANA HONAMIK PARTIKAN Company was established with the support of 25 years of experience of its managers. The field of activity of this company is the sale of medical and industrial gas production lines, including oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, hydrogen and sales, installation and operation of cryogenic storage tanks, performing all services related to the gas industry, as well as export and import. raw materials, machinery and industrial equipment, machinery spare parts, installation and commissioning of production lines of factories and industrial projects

Nirvana honaimk partikan and foods
- Address: isfahan
- email: info@nirvanahonamic.com
- Phone: +983132352360
- Experience: 25
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Barshnom Hand Washing Liquid
Washing hands is one of the best ways to protect ourselves and our families from diseases and infections. Barshnom hand washing liquid is suitable for skin, containing glycerin and natural fats to maintain skin moisture and softness. It offers high cleaning power, does not dry out the skin, and is suitable for sensitive skin and all ages. This product is fragrant and affordably priced.
Features of Barshnom Hand Washing Liquid:
- Available in various fragrances like lemon, rose, strawberry, grape, apple, etc. and colours like red, green, white, yellow, and more.
- Moisturizes and cleans the skin.
- Anti-allergenic and suitable for dry, normal, and damaged skin.
- Contains antioxidants to remove dead skin cells and replace them with new ones.
- Boosts skin freshness and softness with fatty acids and Vitamin E.
- Contains sodium lauryl to offer a slippery effect on the skin, making it easier to remove dirt.
- Recommended for people with eczema, due to the presence of glycerin.
The Barshnom hand-washing liquid container is made of recyclable plastic and is environmentally friendly, with an attractive shape. This product is produced and supplied under international standards and contains ingredients that ensure its longevity on the skin.

Barshnom Dishwashing Liquid
Barshnom dishwashing liquid is a new and highly effective cleaning solution. Its unique formula contains sodium hydroxide, detergent N, amphoteric, filler, various essential oils, diethanolamine, and a neutral pH, making it gentle on the skin and safe for the environment. Additionally, it comes at an affordable price.
- Toxic substances such as formalin are not used in the production of this product.
- High viscosity and density, with stable consistency.
- High foaming power and effective grease removal.
- No low-quality anti-foam materials such as CMC are used.
- Available in a variety of fragrances and colours, including lemon, lavender, orange, and more.
- Manufactured following global and international standards.
- Safe for the skin, with a neutral pH.
- Phosphate-free, preventing skin irritation and minimizing harm to the environment.
- Eco-friendly and recyclable.
- Long shelf life and is made from high-quality materials.
- Leaves dishes shining, stain-free, and odour-free.
Additional Benefits:
Barshnom dishwashing liquid not only excels in cleaning dishes, but can also be used to remove grease stains from clothing, clean ceramics, jewellery, sofas, fences, and metal items, among other surfaces."
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